There are lot of tools you can use to make a usb or DVD bootable, when I was just knowing about computers I found it had to make usb’s bootable but after doing some research I found the best tools even better than the tools most of my friends recommend. When speaking of making a usb or dvd bootable we are obviously talking about copying installing files to a usb or dvd so that when the computer boots it boots into the dvd or usb. The tools are going list below are the best you won’t be disappointed.am going to rate them starting with the best to the least.click to download
Though this tool does not support making DVD bootable it is still my favorite because you can use it to make any operating system bootable, there is a long list of supported operating systems but you can also make a bootable disk of non-listed operating systems. You can use universal-usb-installer to make bootable usb of any windows and Linux based operating systems. If you don’t have the operating system image on your computer this file also enables you to just provide the link for the operating system then starts downloading then you can make the image bootable.
Windows7 usb DVD download tool
This is my second best tool because it supports both usb and DVD, ignoring the name, this tool works on versions of windows 7 and above even windows 10.it can only make windows operating systems bootable. Unlike what the name says this tool does not enable you to download iso files from the internet but only works with images on your computer.click to download
This is also an awesome to for making booting usb drives, you can use it to make operating systems like chromium os bootable, and it can also come in handy when you want to make rescue disks in cases where your computer is attacked by viruses. And this tool only works for usb not DVD.click to download
There are a lot of tools out there that you can use to make usb or DVD bootable, when making DVD bootable some prefer using burning tools like Ashampoo and Nero. If you don’t want to find yourself in situations where usb fails to boot especially windows users don’t think twice to use windows 7 usb download tool, it’s the best.
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Reviewed by Richard chola

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