Today i just realized that managing a blog or website is not a very easy thing and for some of us that think when we become pro bloggers,then we are finally going to seat back and relax since we think we know everything about seo.
Think of blogging the same way you think of life,you can never know everything about seo,you need to read everyday find out whats happening in the blogging community.
Most importantly if you get more traffic from search engines like google then you have even a bigger task at hand in order to maintain that traffic level.
Because with google what once worked my not always work.i have noticed that google also finds in challenging to rank which websites should rank on the first page.
OK say for instance on may 12 of 2016 google update their algorithms to that favored websites that were mobile friendly to get a slight boost on mobile google search results.By now almost half of bloggers that take seo serious have managed to optimize their websites to be mobile friendly.
Even though google still considers sites that are mobile friendly to get a boost on mobile searches,some updates to googles algorithms were rolled out the beginning of September,this update was called Google Penguin 4.0
Google Penguin 4.0 it is now a part of the core algorithm,will be updated soon and the changes will affect specific pages and not affecting the entire site.
Just wanted you to get a glimpse of the whole what google has been up-to and if you rely so much on traffic from google then it imperative that you stay up-to date and should have knowledge about when their next update will role out.
OK enough with google there are a lot of search engines out there and we should also checkout what they are up-to.
Back to the original purpose of this post here are a feel tips in point form that will help you with seo this 2016
1. On page seo
Stay up-to date,find out google algorithm update arrive.- Update and optimize your links
- Don't over optimize keywords
So if your site google search results may have fluctuated starting September its probably because and your spam links are not counting as Backlinks anymore.
2.Tools that will be helpful this 2016 (BE A MASTER AT SEO)
If you are serious SEOs then am guessing you know about this tools if not you can still get your hands on them and make some SEO magic.
- SemRush probably the most recommend tool i have seen so far
- Panguin Tool With this tool connect to your google analytics account,you will be the first person to know when google rolls out any updates to their algorithms
- CopyScape This tool helps you find out if your content is original,if you have bloggers that have submitted guest post on your blog before you publish them make sure you use this tool or this may affect your Seo
- Siteliner is also another tool for checking if someone copied some of your content.If you like copying content from other websites this is how they will find you.Probably wont contact you but report your site probably to google and your site will be penalized
- HitTail The Long Tail Keyword Tool for Your Website,HitTail is a dream long tail keyword tool for website owners, bloggers and marketers who want to increase traffic from Google and other search engines
Reviewed by Richard chola

Then the answer is a definite yes, as long as you use the correct tools and do not give out financial information that can be accessed by others.
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